Welcome to Supporting Academic Development, the fifth course in the series Fundamentals of School Counseling.
School Counselors collaborate with other educators to promote the academic development of all students. This occurs informally in daily interaction, and formally through comprehensive school counseling programs (CSCPs).
It is the counselor’s professional responsibility to establish academic development and learning as a foundation of their work. A comprehensive school counseling program is an integral component of the school’s academic mission. Effective school counseling programs include developmental, prevention, and intervention activities and services that measure the desired student competencies and the impact on achievement, behavior, and attendance (ASCA, 2012).
Educational reform and numerous societal changes have both contributed to the need for a shift in the role of the school counselor to educational leader who establishes a vision and belief in the development of high aspirations for every child.”
(Stone & Clark, 2001)
This course should take 10-16 hours of study time to complete all assignments and the reflection questions as directed. There are three written assignments including the reflection questions at the end of the course.