The interactive components of some resources may require Adobe Flash player. You can download the player here.
Ages 7-8
- Keep Up (video)
- Graphing and Charting (interactive lesson)
- Creating Double Bar Graphs (interactive lesson)
- Adding Many Numbers (video)
- Compare and Order Numbers to 1,000 (video)
- Relating Decimals to Fractions (video)
- Addition Including Carrying (video)
- Adding Decimals to Hundredths (video)
- Subtraction Including Borrowing (video)
- Subtracting Decimals (video)
- Long Division (video)
- Counting Sheep (video)
- Reading and Writing Numbers to 1,000 (interactive lesson)
- Place Value to 1,000 (interactive lesson)
- Understanding Identical Fractions (interactive lesson)
- Understanding Decimals Using Base 10 Blocks (interactive lesson)
- Mental Math Strategies for Basic Multiplication to 5 X 5 (interactive lesson)
- Understanding Distributive Property Using Base 10 Blocks (interactive lesson)
- Quit and Track (video)
- Describing Number Patterns (video)
- Number Pictures (video)
- Problem Solving with Equations (video)
- Determining Pattern Rules (interactive lesson)
- Reproducing Patterns Using Pictorial Models (interactive lesson)
- Pattern Solving Using Concrete Models (interactive lesson)
- Problem Solving Using Concrete Models (interactive lesson)
Additional resources in this category for age groups 7-10 are available to paid subscribers.
Fun in Spanish
These resources are presented in three categories:
These resources are best suited to students being introduced to the subject (Pre-K to early elementary grade)
These resources are best suited to students with some subject knowledge and the ability to perform some tasks
These resources are best suited to students with knowledge of the subject and the ability to complete more complex tasks
El alfabeto (The alphabet)
Presentarse (Introductions)
Arreglar la clase (Tidying the classroom)
El dibujo bonito (The beautiful drawing)
Conocer a mis compañeros de clase (Meet my classmates)
En mi casa (In my house)
Mi barrio (My neighborhood)
El cumpleaños de mi abuelo (My grandfather’s birthday)
El parque de patinetas (The skateboard park)
¡Es invierno! (It’s winter!)
Ésta es nuestra escuela (This is our school)
La tienda de mascotas (The pet shop)
Un picnic (A picnic)
Un dia en la granja (A day at the farm)
¡Vámonos al zoológico! (Let’s go to the zoo!)
Additional videos and interactive resources in this category are available to paid subscribers.
Fun in French
These resources are presented in three categories:
These resources are best suited to students being introduced to the subject (Pre-K to early elementary grade)
These resources are best suited to students with some subject knowledge and the ability to perform some tasks
These resources are best suited to students with knowledge of the subject and the ability to complete more complex tasks
L’alphabet (The alphabet)
Dire bonjour (Say hello)
La salle de classe (The classroom)
Le beau dissen (The beautiful drawing)
Rencontrer mes camarades de classe (Meet my classmates)
Vive l’Halloween (Hooray for Halloween)
Bonne Saint-Valentin! (Happy Valentine’s Day!)
Bonne fête des mères (Happy Mother’s Day)
Au parc de planches à roulettes (The skateboard park)
C’est l’hiver (It’s winter)
Au lac (At the lake)
Joyeux Noël (Merry Christmas)
L’excursion de ski (A ski trip)
Allons au zoo (Let’s go to the zoo)
Une journée à la ferme (A day at the farm)
Additional videos and interactive resources in this category are available to paid subscribers.