Welcome to Interventions for At-Risk Behaviors & Crisis Management, the eighth course in the series The Role of the School Counselor.
At-risk students face circumstances that could jeopardize their ability to complete school, such as homelessness, incarceration, pregnancy, serious health issues, domestic violence, or transiency. Disciplinary problems, emotional or mental health issues, or other learning-related factors that could adversely affect learning and achievement may also place students in the at-risk category. Correlations between risk factors and the likelihood a student will succeed academically have led to reform strategies aimed at identifying student risk factors and then intervening with assistance and support.
Effective counseling with at‐risk students may need to go beyond traditional practices in order to create a low‐risk learning environment and avoid escalation to a crisis situation.
This course defines and describes at-risk behaviors and examines the design, establishment, and maintenance of programs to support students at risk. Effective responses include mentoring, parent education, and identification and integration of community resources.
This course should take 10-16 hours of study time to complete all assignments and the reflection questions as directed. There are three written assignments including the reflection questions at the end of the course.